Watch PlayStation 4 Designer Mark Cerny Talk About Sony's Next-Gen Console

Mark Cerny, the leader of the development team who created the PlayStation 4 at Sony, is set to give a presentation about the console and the titles associated with it at the Gamelab conference in Barcelona.

The entire presentation will be livestreamed and all gamers interested in the next-generation console can watch it below.

The official PS Blog describes Cerny as, “one of the smartest thinkers in the business and his talk should be full of fascinating insight into our brand new console.”

It’s unclear whether the company plans to deliver new information or whether it will expand on details already covered during E3 2013.

The PlayStation 4 is set to launch in the fall of this year and will cost gamers 399 dollars or Euro.

It will face strong competition from the Xbox One made by Microsoft.

Via: Watch PlayStation 4 Designer Mark Cerny Talk About Sony's Next-Gen Console