Sony: PlayStation 4 Will Be Out in 2013 on Indian Market

Sony announces that it will launch the PlayStation 4 home console on the Indian market before the end of the year, on a schedule that will be linked to the release logistics of the European market.

Atindriya Bose, the country manager at Sony India, is quoted by VG247 as saying that, "It will be matched with the European launch; give or take a bit to account for Indian logistics. The consoles have to be shipped in advance and currently all consoles also require certification for the India market."

Sony was criticized for the way it handled the launch of the PS3 on the Indian market but the executive says that it will perform better this time around and hopes to grow the market as much as possible.

Sony has not yet offered a clear PlayStation 4 launch date for the North American and European markets.

Via: Sony: PlayStation 4 Will Be Out in 2013 on Indian Market