Soulcraft RPG Lands on Windows Phone 8 Handsets

Following a few months of wait since the official announcement on its arrival, MobileBits GmbH’s Soulcraft mobile game is now available for purchase on Windows Phone 8 devices.

The game will plunge users in the middle of a confrontation between humans, angels, and forces of evil, while allowing them to play as an angel to decide the fate of humankind.

“With humans on the brink to discover the secret of eternal life, angels and evil demons make a pact to proclaim the apocalypse to be able to materialize into the real world, fight the humans for victory and keep the circle of life intact,” the game’s description reads.

Apparently, the game is still under development, which means that there might be issues affecting users’ experience with it, and can be purchased for $1.49 (€1.12).

Soulcraft for Windows Phone 8 can be found on this page on Softpedia.

Via: Soulcraft RPG Lands on Windows Phone 8 Handsets