Nearly 600 Mink Go Haywire, Bite Each Other to Death

Here's an example of what off-the-charts noise pollution can do to animals: nearly 600 mink living at a fur farm in south-central Sweden recently went haywire and ended up biting each other to death, all because of the country's Armed Forces.

The people working at the farm say that, as far as they can tell, the animals lost all control when hearing the noise made by some air force jets that flew fairly close to their enclosures as part of a drill.

Unfortunately, dozens of mink pups also died as a result of being bitten by adults, Daily Mail informs us. 

The country's Air Forces have apologized for this incident and have allegedly also agreed to offer the mink farm financial compensation.

“It was an unfortunate event,” Swedish Armed Forces lawyer Lena Ahlstrom commented with respect to this incident.

Via: Nearly 600 Mink Go Haywire, Bite Each Other to Death