Prey 2 Is in Good Hands at Arkane, According to Ex-Developer

Jason L. Blair, a former developer who has worked on Prey 2 at Human Head, believes that the team at Arkane Studios can create a solid experience for fans of the series.

The game maker served as narrative designer and writer on the troubled game.

He states via Twitter that, "I’ve enjoyed what I played of Dishonored. They have the chops. If the rumor is true, they’ll likely do well with Prey 2."

He adds, "But I mourn that Prey 2 won’t belong to Human Head. I mourn that my friends won’t get recognition for what they accomplished."

Publisher Bethesda and Human Head had a very public falling out over the quality of Prey 2.

Sources are claiming that the creators of Dishonored are currently working on the game, which is being rebooted and will be out in 2016.

Via: Prey 2 Is in Good Hands at Arkane, According to Ex-Developer