All the iOS 7 Leaks Are Wrong, Says John Gruber
Speaking on The Talk Show podcast, Daring Fireball’s John Gruber shoots down all the rumors regarding iOS 7 saying he’s heard “all the leaks are wrong.”
That certainly puts the kibosh on reports claiming to show what iOS 7 looks like and, quite frankly, it takes the edge of iOS 7 itself a bit. It falls in line with my suggestion to look more towards OS X 10.9 for a change.
However, Gruber’s comments should also get us hoping for an iOS 7 that looks better than all the leaks so far. Here’s what he had to say, according to a transcript.
"I know almost absolutely nothing. I don't think I've been this ignorant of what's coming, software-wise, for a keynote since the iPhone 1 back in 2007. Which is great, I'm super excited about [iOS 7].
The one thing I keep hearing over and over again from friends who would know is; the one world I keep hearing is that some of the stuff they're going to show is 'polarising.'
And I also heard from somebody that just 'all the leaks are wrong.' Which is interesting. I have no idea what to make of it."
As I’ve said earlier today, I certainly hope all the leaks are wrong simply because I wouldn’t have an iOS 7 that looks like the mockups doing the rounds today.
The talented Jony Ive surely has a jaw-dropping design to show us later today, and that should apply to the next-generation OS X as well.
Via: All the iOS 7 Leaks Are Wrong, Says John Gruber