This Is the New Windows 8.1 App Store Photo Gallery
Just like many other built-in features, the Windows Store is going to be redesigned in Windows 8.1, especially because Microsoft wants users to find the apps they're looking for a bit easier.
As you can see in this photo gallery, the new Windows Store indeed seems to adopt a more modern look, together with a cleaner approach that brings the main features of the selected apps in the spotlight.
The Windows Store seems to be working right now in the leaked Windows 8.1 builds, so users are allowed to download and install some of the released tools, including the Twitter client.
Official details remain scarce for the time being, but Microsoft has promised to unveil the Windows 8.1 Preview on June 26, so stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
Thanks to our reader, Stefano Rickeets!
Via: This Is the New Windows 8.1 App Store Photo Gallery