Halo: Spartan Assault Registered by Microsoft, Linked to Live Action Series

Microsoft is registering a number of Halo related websites using the Spartan Assault name, which suggest that the company is getting ready to announce a new title in the series or protecting domains linked to the new live action series created by Steven Spielberg.

The domains that Microsoft now owns include, according to Fusible: SpartanAssault.net, HaloSpartanAssault.com, Halo-SpartanAssault.com, Halo-SpartanAssault.net and HaloSpartanAssault.net.

All of them have been linked to Mark Monitor, which usually works with Microsoft.

The company has promised a live action TV series for the Xbox One console but the names might also be linked to another full title in the long running franchise.

The websites could also be used to promote a new batch of content linked to Halo 4, which is available on the Xbox 360.

Microsoft is also working on another Halo project using the Bootcamp name.

Via: Halo: Spartan Assault Registered by Microsoft, Linked to Live Action Series