Photoshop CS6 Flickers on MacBook Air 2013 Systems
Adobe has acknowledged a flicker issue with Photoshop CS6 installations on the latest MacBook Air computers from Apple.
The flicker creates screen-wide black boxes, and even the whole screen goes black at times, as shown in the video demonstration above.
Chris Cox with Adobe is convinced that the flicker is “either a bug in the video drivers, or a bad GPU.” After watching the aforementioned footage himself, he said, “that is definitely a driver or GPU issue, though with that kind of flickering I'd also suspect the LCD driver circuits.”
He adds that, whatever is causing this issue, “Apple is the only party that can solve it.” In other words, the issue is not within Photoshop, but within OS X.
MacRumors says “reports have suggested that upgrading to Mavericks solves the problem,” but since Mavericks is in beta testing, this resolution is of little help to end users.
Adobe’s Chris Cox says his company will continue to look into the matter, “and if we find a system that reproduces it, then we can file a bug with Apple and have some hope that they might investigate.”
Via: Photoshop CS6 Flickers on MacBook Air 2013 Systems