Max Mobile Security 5.3 Now Available on BlackBerry 10

Today, Max Secure Software announced the availability of version 5.3 of their Max Mobile Security application for BlackBerry 10-powered devices, with some appealing enhancements packed inside.

Among them, we can count full integration with native features of the mobile operating system, including the BlackBerry Hub and notifications, along with background scans with active frame, and context menu with social and BBM sharing.

According to N4BB, the new application release also comes to smartphones with a new user interface, while also being “Built for BlackBerry” certified.

“This App has been specifically architected for a BlackBerry 10 experience. The Built for BlackBerry designation is your assurance that this App meets BlackBerry’s high standards for quality and performance,” the app’s description reads.

Max Mobile Security for BlackBerry 10 is available at $9.99 (€7.53) on this page in the BlackBerry World.

Via: Max Mobile Security 5.3 Now Available on BlackBerry 10