Secret World Launches Golden Weekend, Doubles Ability Points

The development team at Funcom announces that it is launching a Golden Weekend event for its MMO The Secret World, which is set to take place from Friday at 3 PM Central European Time, which is 6 AM PDT, till the end of Sunday.

All those who get an Ability Point by playing The Secret World during the period will get access to a second one, a bonus that can stack with the Timed Ability Point boost from the game’s store.

Gamers who are able to convince a friend to play the MMO during the weekend will also get access to a free month of membership and for the duration of the event, Funcom Points come with a 30 percent extra bonus that can be used in the coming six months.

The Secret World is an MMO that focuses on puzzle in addition to traditional raiding and battles.

Via: Secret World Launches Golden Weekend, Doubles Ability Points