Legacy of Kain Sequel War for Nosgoth Revealed by Steam, Drivers

The Legacy of Kain series might soon get an official sequel reveal as a new game called War for Nosgoth is being mentioned via a new AMD driver and by the official Steam database.

It's unclear what development team might be working on the game or how it might be linked to the core narrative of the series, according to AllGamesBeta.

Nosgoth is the game world in which all the Legacy of Kain titles take place and all its events show it as being in a constant state of decline, which no one can stop.

War for Nosgoth is probably in development for the PC, given the AMD and Steam mentions, but the project might also be linked to the next generation of consoles, the Xbox One from Microsoft and the PlayStation 4 from Sony.

Via: Legacy of Kain Sequel War for Nosgoth Revealed by Steam, Drivers