Double Amputee Killed by Dogs in Vicious Attack in South Carolina [AP]
Carlton Freeman, an 80-year-old double amputee from Harleyville, has died after he was mauled by dogs in the street, the AP reports. He was attacked by 4 dogs, which pulled him out of the motorized vehicle he was driving.
According to Coroner Chris Nesbit, Freeman was completely helpless when he was attacked on Friday. He has died from the injuries sustained.
Police have already found 3 of the 4 dogs that attacked him, and they seem to belong to “a woman in the neighborhood.”
“Upon my examination of Mr. Freeman, it is a wonder that this gentleman was able to hang on as long as he did,” Nesbit says.
“He had bites and lacerations from his legs to the top of his head. This is very sad story, but even worse that Mr. Freeman was basically helpless to the attack, due to being a bi-lateral amputee,” the Coroner adds.
Via: Double Amputee Killed by Dogs in Vicious Attack in South Carolina [AP]