New Star Wars: The Old Republic Video Shows Dye Modules in Update 2.1
BioWare has just released a brand new video with Star Wars: The Old Republic, this time showing off the dye modules that are included in the upcoming update 2.1 for the online game.
Star Wars: The Old Republic went free-to-play last year and has since drawn in millions of new players who are aching for more customization options.
With the upcoming patch 2.1 for the online game, developer BioWare is introducing dye modules, which allow players to customize the color of each and every piece of equipment they have on them.
The new dye modules are among the new customization options that will be delivered inside game update 2.1, and you can expect BioWare to continue detailing other features from the future patch in the following weeks.
Via: New Star Wars: The Old Republic Video Shows Dye Modules in Update 2.1