Google Ordered to Alter Search Suggestions Linking German Person to Scientology

This seems to be happening over and over again, no matter how hard Google fights it. This time, it's a court in Germany that has ordered it to remove autocomplete suggestions.

The Federal Court of Justice turned a decision by a lower court and forced Google to remove suggestions.

The lawsuit comes from the founder of a company selling nutritional supplements who was upset that Google suggested links to Scientology and fraud next to his name.

The founder argued that the suggestions hurt his credibility and his ability to do business. He claims he has no connection to the Church of Scientology, which is even more controversial in Germany than in most other places.

The court found that the complaint was valid and ordered Google to remove the suggestions. However, it didn't order Google to change the autocompletion feature or the way it works. Still, Google will likely fight the decision.

Via: Google Ordered to Alter Search Suggestions Linking German Person to Scientology