CloudMagic Instantly Searches Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter from Windows 8 Metro

Windows 8 already comes with an advanced built-in search feature, but here’s an app that provides you with even more features in this regard.

Called CloudMagic, this free Windows 8 Metro app can find anything almost instantly, offering support for an impressive list of services, including Gmail, Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Dropbox, Box, Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts.

You can add as many accounts as you want, while the app also provides you with previews and actions such as open attachments, reply, retweet or forward.

CloudMagic works flawlessly on all Windows 8 builds, including x86 and x64, but it also offers support for ARM devices, such as Microsoft’s own Surface RT.

Click here to view the Windows Store page of CloudMagic for Windows 8 in your browser.

Via: CloudMagic Instantly Searches Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter from Windows 8 Metro