Watch Dogs Has a Set of Story-Based Missions, Allows Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Ubisoft has revealed a few more interesting details about Watch Dogs, including the first pieces of info about the story, which is grouped in a bunch of missions that will allow gamers to complete them in different ways.
Watch Dogs is one of the most interesting all-new experiences set to appear at the end of the year, putting players in the shoes of Aiden Pearce, a vigilante that roams the streets of Chicago and takes down various criminals by using not just fists or firearms, but also hacking and vital information.
"There's a campaign, complete with main missions and a narrative, and then there's what I call the 'player narrative'. Once you're in a mission and you have an objective – say, to get information from this person – that is a problem and you can use the tools in any way you want to solve it," he told The Guardian.
"We're not saying, mission A is shooting, mission B is driving, mission C is stealth; If you're clever and you really use the tools you can play it the way you want. That's the philosophy of the team."
Those who tested the game found some really creative ways of tackling different objectives and, provided they didn't take advantage of glitches or exploits, most of those solutions were kept in the game.
"In some of the play tests, people have been finding really clever ways to work around the problems – one guy used a motorcycle to jump over a whole section of the map to get to the end. That's fine, he used the environment to his advantage," Belanger said.
"If players are really breaking the game, then we'll find ways to deal with that, but if it's within the rules of the universe, it's okay. We're giving you a lot of tools, so we won't stop you using them."
Watch Dogs has impressed many gamers, and more details are expected as we get closer to its launch in November for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U.
Via: Watch Dogs Has a Set of Story-Based Missions, Allows Out-of-the-Box Thinking