Download Carcassonne 3.11 iOS with Score Analysis Tools

Fans of the famous board game Carcassonne enjoying the medieval experience on iOS platforms have an exciting new update to install from TheCodingMonkeys.

The German development studio has released this update mainly to include a requested game analysis mode which allows players to keep track of scores after a game is finished.

“Find out exactly about the field that lost you the game, and who's to blame,” the developers say. Apparently, it’s that important.

New features include a new tally display to get a bird’s eye view of the scores during a game, as well as a new scoring visualization tool which allows players to “review a game down to every little detail.”

Some fixed issues are mentioned, including a bug related to builder bonus moves and discarded tiles, layout problems in the player banners, better indicators for whose-turn-is-it, better table positioning, and others.

Download Carcassonne for iPhone and iPad (Free)

Via: Download Carcassonne 3.11 iOS with Score Analysis Tools