Johnny Depp Couldnt Care Less That Critics Hated The Lone Ranger

“The Lone Ranger,” despite a huge budget, lots of promotion, and boasting two of the hottest leading men of the hour (Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer) was a resounding commercial flop for Disney. Depp, for one, doesn’t care that critics hated it.

As I noted on a previous occasion as well, chances are good that it was critics’ unfavorable reviews that pretty much ruined the film’s chances at the box office because word of mouth made people not want to see it.

In a recent interview cited by the Daily Mail, Depp says he isn’t bothered by all that.

“To be quite honest I couldn't give a rats about U.S. journalists' opinions,” he says.

“What I do care about is my kids' opinions and they loved it, they loved the ride and maybe they are biased, slightly, but for all purposes my kids were able to forget that it was Daddy five or ten minutes into the film and they enjoyed the ride. The ride itself is incredible and unique, this film, so yeah I trust my kids' opinions more than the US critics,” Depp adds.

Did you see “The Lone Ranger” yet? If so, what did you think of it?

Via: Johnny Depp Couldnt Care Less That Critics Hated The Lone Ranger