SimCity Players Get Free EA Game on March 18
Video game publisher Electronic Arts wants to compensate all those who have stuck with the recently launched SimCity through its launch problems by offering them a free video game from its PC catalog on March 18.
Gamers who want to get the reward need to make sure to have their game registered by that date.
Lucy Bradshaw states, "I know that’s a little contrived – kind of like buying a present for a friend after you did something crummy. But we feel bad about what happened. We’re hoping you won’t stay mad and that we’ll be friends again when SimCity is running at 100 percent."
The developer also explains that the server problems that SimCity is having are linked to bigger than expected interest from players.
The Maxis team also plans to introduce more servers during the weekend and plans to have the game working well by Monday.
Via: SimCity Players Get Free EA Game on March 18