Microsoft Renames Reckless Racing for Windows 8, New Download Available

Reckless Racing is a very popular game on Windows 8 right now, but Microsoft somehow felt the need for a revamp, so the company renamed it for all versions of its new operating system.

Reckless Racing Ultimate is now up for grabs from the Store, but the game is not available with a freeware license, so users have to pay a fee of $4.99 (€3.90) for the full version.

No other changes have been made to the game, so it continues to feature 24 vehicles, 20 career mode cups, 50 arcade challenges and over 150 customizable events.

In addition, it is fully optimized for the touch but, in case you really want to maximize your gaming experience, simply plug in an Xbox 360 controller and enjoy the force feedback support.

Click here to view the Windows Store page of Reckless Racing Ultimate for Windows 8.

Via: Microsoft Renames Reckless Racing for Windows 8, New Download Available