Iran Bans All VPNs to Better Control the Internet [Reuters]
The internet in Iran is not what you'd call open. All sorts of content is blocked and there have been several rumors and hints of the country working on its own internal internet, to make sure it can control everything.
But as is always the case with censorship, people find a way around it. One popular way of circulating blocks in Iran, and plenty of other places, is to use a VPN to route traffic to an outside country and access the web from there.
With a new round of elections coming, Iran is determined not to do a repeat of the violence and protests of the 2009 elections, so it's now banning VPNs altogether, except for "legal and registered" ones.
Iran is boasting that "illegal" VPNs have now been blocked in the country and that it will launch officially sanctioned tools for the companies that need them.
Via: Iran Bans All VPNs to Better Control the Internet [Reuters]