Rumor Mill: SimCity Marketing Campaign Suspended, Says Internal E-Mail

An internal e-mail from publisher Electronic Arts suggests that the company is suspending its marketing campaign for the rebooted SimCity because of the problems that the game has been having with servers and authentication.

The leaked document is aimed at commercial partners and is quoted by Kotaku as saying, "please remove any copy promoting SimCity from your website for the time-being."

It adds, "To be clear we are continuing to payout commissions on all SimCity sales that are referred, however we are requesting that you please stop actively promoting the game."

Previously Electronic Arts has eliminated some elements of SimCity, including Cheetah speed and leaderboards, in order to limit server stress and give more players a chance to actually play the game.

We have a full review of SimCity available on Softpedia.

Via: Rumor Mill: SimCity Marketing Campaign Suspended, Says Internal E-Mail