Google I/O Gets a Binary Code Easter Egg, More Details on the Registration Process

Google is getting ready to open up registrations for Google I/O. There are only a few days left until then and Google has published more info on the registration process and Google I/O itself.

Based on the huge interest the conference generates each year, Google must cover its bases.

Along with the new info, Google has also added a game of sorts to the I/O page, you can use the I and O in the logo to write binary numbers some of which lead to Easter Eggs inside the page

There are plenty of them, you can try simple trial and error to discover them. You can probably google for a complete list, but that's missing out on the fun.

If you're interested in more info on the registration process, the Google I/O site is a good place to start, Google also has some more details in a blog post.

Meanwhile, here are a few codes to start you out: 0111111, 01010011, 10000001, 11010011.

Via: Google I/O Gets a Binary Code Easter Egg, More Details on the Registration Process