Patton Oswalds Tweet, Facebook Post on Boston Explosions Go Viral
America is still reeling from the bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon but, comedian Patton Oswald urges, Americans should not lose hope. One of his tweets on the tragedy and a lengthier Facebook post have gone viral.
“...seconds after the explosions, you see hundreds of people running TOWARDS the carnage to help. Not away.” – Paul Kozlowski, reads the tweet.
In the Facebook open letter, Oswald argues that humanity is not “inherently evil,” despite the existence of such unnecessary, pointless tragedies.
He believes that good will ultimately prevail, because the same tragedies that cause so much heartbreak also force good men to act together and thus eradicate evil, just like white blood cells would “attack a virus,” though not by violence but by love.
“So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, ‘The good outnumber you, and we always will’,” he writes.
A truly amazing and inspiring message in these times of sadness.
Via: Patton Oswalds Tweet, Facebook Post on Boston Explosions Go Viral