Websites Send Post-Rapture Letters to Those Left Behind

California-based RaptureLetters was designed to explain to non-believers where a large majority of the population has disappeared to after the Rapture.

“After the rapture, there will be a lot of speculation as to why millions of people have just disappeared,” the description of the service reads.

This website allows a means of communication between those taken to heaven and those left behind on earth, in an attempt to convince them that it's not too late to change their ways.

In order to apply, all you need to do is give up the names and email addresses of all your acquaintances that do not adhere to the Christian faith. They will start receiving emails from you the first Friday after the rapture, and then every Friday after that.

You may be thinking – if the administrators of the site are in heaven – who will send the letters? Not to worry, a computer program will take care of everything.

“It's a dead man switch that will automatically send the emails when it is not reset,” the makers of the site explain.

This valuable effort to “save the lost” is free of charge. You can, however, chose to make a donation that will be used to support the website and allow these web missionaries to complete their work.

“Ninety percent of all donations we receive are used to further the kingdom of God and 10% goes toward administration costs,” they say.

A sample letter to an atheist friend is featured on the website, under a category ominously titled “The letter.” It encourages atheists to start praying, “read a Bible daily,” and do their best not to believe scientists when they try to dismiss its contents.

“The theories of some scientists and world leaders will have so much credibility that most of the world will believe them. It will sound like the truth!,” the letter warns.

It does seem hard to believe, however, that your words can be stored for all eternity, or “indefinitely,” as the founders of the service advertise, without server maintenance or paying hosting fees.

The PostRapturePost addresses exactly this issue. This website provides basically the same service, with the added bonus of having actual atheists take care of your business on earth once you're in a better place.

“That's right, we don't believe in God. How else would we be able to deliver your correspondence after the Rapture?” the martyr messengers say.

They offer a premium product, that can range from $5 (€4) to $800 (€625) per message. For $800 (€625) your letter will receive special attention, and be delivered to your loved ones immediately after the blessed event.

“hand-scribed on medieval style parchment sheets, and then rolled and wrapped with a fine Italian ribbon.”

“Thank you guys for staying behind to get our letters out!,” one of the testimonials on the website reads.

PostRapturePost only caters to citizens in the US, as it delivers the messages personally. It's a good thing this ingenious service is also available in email format, from RaptureLetters.

Via: Websites Send Post-Rapture Letters to Those Left Behind