EndWeekGame: September 21
Andrei Dumitrescu: Autumn is upon us already, which means that high-profile video games like Borderlands 2 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 are launching left and right and a gamer’s time is at a premium.
FTL is a rogue-like from Subset Games (we have a full Softpedia review for it) which allows me to create stories about being the captain of a starship caught in the middle of a hostile galaxy, ready to make the tough decisions needed to get my crew and my important information cargo to safety.
Part of the game’s charm is that the difficulty level is so high that, at any point, no matter how powerful you get, defeat and failure is always more probably than victory and success.
If FTL ever manages to bore me, I might try out some Borderlands 2, although I was one of the few that were unimpressed by the first game in the series.
Andrei Dobra: My weekend will be completely dedicated to Borderlands 2, the new first-person role-playing shooter from Gearbox Software.
While I’m more than looking forward to once again having some fun on the planet of Pandora, this will also require some coordination with my friends, as we want to play it together, at least on the weekend when everybody’s free from work and other “real-life” duties.
Even so, I’ll also make a special character for solo play, probably the Commando or the Gunzerker, as from what I’ve seen in their skill trees, they’re quite capable of handling themselves in front of multiple opponents.
When playing with my friends, I’ll try out the other two characters currently in the game – the Assassins and Siren, provided my friends don’t call dibs on them.
Via: EndWeekGame: September 21