This Wearable iComputer May Be Eons Away, but We Like the Concept

Designer Federico Ciccarese has come up with yet another breathtaking mockup of a futuristic Apple product, this time envisioning a wearable device that Apple was said to have been prototyping internally.

Confusingly dubbed “iPhone 5 new,” the device pictured above hardly has anything in common with Apple’s smartphones.

Aside from running iOS, which could well power any type of appliance, from home automation systems to your car’s dashboard, the curved-glass device you see above is something of a wearable computer that keeps everything you need at hand, literally.

Imagine Siri serving up directions and maps at such ideal viewing distance, all day long, without having to repeatedly get your phone out of the pocket and then put it back in. And that’s just one thing it could do.

Quite surrealistic, I agree. But I’m guessi ng people living in the 70s would have said the exact same thing about the iPhone.

Via: This Wearable iComputer May Be Eons Away, but We Like the Concept